
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Tidings

I've decided that Tuesdays will be the day that I share my favorites. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by creative people in my daily life, and with this comes knowledge of new things! Of course, these things are beneficial to one's life, otherwise I wouldn't be sharing them.

Anyways, my first ever "Tuesday Tidings" goes to Witchy Poo Lotions & Potions for their "Powder Strokes All-Over Body Shimmer." With 3 available colors, each Body Shimmer comes in a container with a Built-in Pump Brush! At only $26, you're really purchasing 2 products for the price of 1. Choose from Bronze, Diamond and Pink, which work with any skin tone. I had fun this weekend with Diamond, as it gave me that wintery shimmer I was looking for. If you prefer a more bronzed look, than go with Bronze Shimmer which gives you that perfect amount of tint. Whichever your preference in color, you won't be disappointed in the results.

Containing natural elements, this Powder Strokes Body Shimmer also provides a light level ofSsun Block, helping to protect you skin from sun and free radicles. Look "luminous and youthful" all year round with Witchy Poo's Powder Strokes All-Over Body Shimmers!

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